Quote Originally Posted by Copper 2019 View Post
Good morning, all, new to site and would like to say I love Mirage great little car. Long story short I was driving 1150 miles a week and when I changed shifts that ended. I did end up with 360,000 miles on my car but its till run great. Best MPG 57.2. Got one dear as I live in Michigan, hit a ladder once in the road I know right?. Been through a bout 24 set of tires LOL but all good. I do have few issues going one but will address them in the correct tread, thanks again.
Hello Phil Copper - The deer in Michigan are as big as a moose. The deer in TN / GA look like big German Shephards in comparison to Michigan deer. You must not have got all that deer or else your car would have gotten wadded up completely.

Quote Originally Posted by Copper 2019 View Post
hit a ladder once in the road I know right?
I don't know if you hit a ladder or not. And if you know, why are you asking us for confirmation?

Anywho - Welcome to the website. With the hard use, and deer destruction your car has overcome, your Mirage is likely BLUE.