Log for: 2015 Mitsubishi Mirage DE

Drivetrain: 1.2 L, CVT

  Fuel log graph
Fill date Distance Fill amount Price Fuel Economy Details
2019-04-15 253 mi
407.16 km
5.612 gal (US)
21.24 L
4.67 gal (Imp)
45.1 mpg (US)
54.2 mpg (Imp)
5.2 L/100 km
19.2 km/L
2019-03-27 219 mi
352.45 km
5.36 gal (US)
20.29 L
4.46 gal (Imp)
40.9 mpg (US)
49.1 mpg (Imp)
5.8 L/100 km
17.4 km/L
This "fill-up," the on-dash fuel gauge went higher (meaning farther to the right) than it went for the previous "fill-up." That would make it seem like we used more gasoline than we did.

I don't like the on-dash gauge.