Log for: 2023 Mitsubishi Mirage G4 SE

Drivetrain: 1.2 L, CVT

  Fuel log graph
Fill date Distance Fill amount Price Fuel Economy Details
2024-06-12 274 mi
440.96 km
6.657 gal (US)
25.2 L
5.54 gal (Imp)
4.399 41.2 mpg (US)
49.5 mpg (Imp)
5.7 L/100 km
17.5 km/L
90% HWY (70-75 Mph) hilly commute
10% city bumper to bumper traffic

A/C on, Ds mode used.
2024-06-09 278.1 mi
447.56 km
6.115 gal (US)
23.15 L
5.09 gal (Imp)
4.459 45.5 mpg (US)
54.6 mpg (Imp)
5.2 L/100 km
19.3 km/L
50/50. A/c on.
2024-05-26 350.5 mi
564.08 km
7.151 gal (US)
27.07 L
5.95 gal (Imp)
4.759 49.0 mpg (US)
58.9 mpg (Imp)
4.8 L/100 km
20.8 km/L
15% city
85% hwy

7/32 thread life on tires. This is good and bad at the same time lol.
2024-05-13 295 mi
474.76 km
7.393 gal (US)
27.99 L
6.16 gal (Imp)
4.859 39.9 mpg (US)
47.9 mpg (Imp)
5.9 L/100 km
17.0 km/L
**MPG not a priority** rather an experiment with lead foot.

70% city with A/C on, hovering between 2,000-2,800 RPM. Heavy on throttle while carrying 3 passengers.

30% HWY with A/C on, going 65 a few times but MORE at 75 MPH. DS mode was used several times.

Driving style was aggressive in this fill up.
2024-05-03 307 mi
494.07 km
6.617 gal (US)
25.05 L
5.51 gal (Imp)
4.999 46.4 mpg (US)
55.7 mpg (Imp)
5.1 L/100 km
19.7 km/L
2024-04-22 349.3 mi
562.14 km
6.963 gal (US)
26.36 L
5.8 gal (Imp)
4.999 50.2 mpg (US)
60.2 mpg (Imp)
4.7 L/100 km
21.3 km/L
85% hwy
15% city

Used Ds mode from time to time. 55 mph CC on hwy. used A/C sparingly. Some hill.

Kept RPM between 1,500-2,000.

Trip B MPG shows 52.0 when filled up.
2024-04-14 293.1 mi
471.7 km
6.877 gal (US)
26.03 L
5.73 gal (Imp)
5.099 42.6 mpg (US)
51.2 mpg (Imp)
5.5 L/100 km
18.1 km/L
***MPG was not a priority from this fill up***

Summer fuel filled up. went on 260 miles round trip in 1 day.

45% 75 MPH via highway with cruise control on showing 2,500k RPM. Some hill. Had pushed RPM to 4,700 RPM ish. Showed 41 MPG.

45% 55-65 MPH in return leg. RPM went between 2,000-2,500k RPM. A/C on w/ 1-2 bar(s). Showed 46 MPG.

5% city commute such as 30 or less mph 2,000-3,000 RPM. 37 MPG.

42.67 MPG overall.
2024-04-12 328.2 mi
528.19 km
7.539 gal (US)
28.54 L
6.28 gal (Imp)
4.999 43.5 mpg (US)
52.3 mpg (Imp)
5.4 L/100 km
18.5 km/L
50/50 mixed driving with a semi lead foot, early hilly commute, wind, and minimal A/C.

This was the last winter fuel consumption. Summer fuel is here and price has gone up.
2024-03-30 321.6 mi
517.57 km
6.829 gal (US)
25.85 L
5.69 gal (Imp)
4.599 47.1 mpg (US)
56.5 mpg (Imp)
5.0 L/100 km
20.0 km/L
Some spirit driving ie Ds mode to go up and down hill nicely. Also used Ds/L gear to beat red lights while maintaining speed limits (DONT recommend this. 1/8 success rate LOL. No tix yet)

10% city commute (family and solo)
90% solo, hwy and backroad commute at 55 mph

Trip B said 49.4 AVG MPG.

47 MPG in a tank is great
2024-03-23 151.8 mi
244.3 km
3.18 gal (US)
12.04 L
2.65 gal (Imp)
4.659 47.7 mpg (US)
57.3 mpg (Imp)
4.9 L/100 km
20.3 km/L
95% HWY at 60 with AC on (1-3 bars, temp 61-74F)
5% city low speed.
2024-03-22 291.9 mi
469.77 km
6.325 gal (US)
23.94 L
5.27 gal (Imp)
4.599 46.2 mpg (US)
55.4 mpg (Imp)
5.1 L/100 km
19.6 km/L
90% hwy
10% city bumper to bumper 1 hr traffic.
2024-03-19 119.8 mi
192.8 km
2.363 gal (US)
8.94 L
1.97 gal (Imp)
4.499 50.7 mpg (US)
60.8 mpg (Imp)
4.6 L/100 km
21.6 km/L
Back road and hwy 90%

City 10%

Partial fill up. Hand cal shows 50.8 MPG!
2024-03-15 351.4 mi
565.52 km
7.439 gal (US)
28.16 L
6.19 gal (Imp)
4.449 47.2 mpg (US)
56.8 mpg (Imp)
5.0 L/100 km
20.1 km/L
80% hwy and back road
20% city, idle, short commute

Trip B shows 48 MPG. Hand calculation indicates 47.3 MPG. Im happy!
2024-03-03 345.4 mi
555.87 km
7.739 gal (US)
29.3 L
6.45 gal (Imp)
4.499 44.6 mpg (US)
53.6 mpg (Imp)
5.3 L/100 km
19.0 km/L
70% hwy

30% city
2024-02-15 368.6 mi
593.2 km
7.656 gal (US)
28.98 L
6.37 gal (Imp)
4.479 48.2 mpg (US)
57.9 mpg (Imp)
4.9 L/100 km
20.5 km/L
85% hwy/backroad

15% short/city commute

Rev between 1,500-2,000 RPM whenever feasible. No A/C. Solo commuter. 35 PSI on all 4 tyres. Used cruise control less than usual.

Super impressed with this MPG, let alone winter blend fuel.
2024-02-03 341.4 mi
549.43 km
7.547 gal (US)
28.57 L
6.28 gal (Imp)
4.299 45.2 mpg (US)
54.4 mpg (Imp)
5.2 L/100 km
19.2 km/L
70% HWY

30% CITY. 30 MPH. Stop and go and idle. 5 miles or less.

To my complete surprise, MPG drastically improved partly by “feathering” the throttle, and not use cruise control when going up hill.
2024-01-23 382.2 mi
615.09 km
10.828 gal (US)
40.99 L
9.02 gal (Imp)
4.39 35.3 mpg (US)
42.4 mpg (Imp)
6.7 L/100 km
15.0 km/L
90% city. 10% hwy. short commute as several 2-6 miles per day.

35 MPG is fairly impressive especially in winter commute. I know the Corolla CVT would be anywhere between 27-32 city winter MPG. My ex G4 5 speed would be 37-38 city MPG today if I have had kept it.
2023-12-09 261.5 mi
420.84 km
7.249 gal (US)
27.44 L
6.04 gal (Imp)
4.399 36.1 mpg (US)
43.3 mpg (Imp)
6.5 L/100 km
15.3 km/L
90% city < 45 MPH from very short commute. 5 miles average each

10% hwy 55-65 MPH 25 mile commute each way. Trip cpu shows 42 MPG AVG.
2023-11-21 305.5 mi
491.65 km
6.7561 gal (US)
25.57 L
5.62 gal (Imp)
45.2 mpg (US)
54.4 mpg (Imp)
5.2 L/100 km
19.2 km/L
300 miles trip in 2 days:

95% HWY

5% less than 5 mile commute between places and more idleness at stop light.

Scangauge showed 48 MPG overall.

Trip computer on dashboard shows 50 MPG when maintaining speed at 65 MPH which is impressive even with the extra passenger, bulk items in trunk, and with the A/C being on at low speed.
2023-11-18 244.7 mi
393.81 km
6.128 gal (US)
23.2 L
5.1 gal (Imp)
4.759 39.9 mpg (US)
48.0 mpg (Imp)
5.9 L/100 km
17.0 km/L
85% city. 15% hwy
2023-11-10 280.4 mi
451.26 km
6.632 gal (US)
25.1 L
5.52 gal (Imp)
4.659 42.3 mpg (US)
50.8 mpg (Imp)
5.6 L/100 km
18.0 km/L
2023-10-29 254 mi
408.77 km
7.534 gal (US)
28.52 L
6.27 gal (Imp)
37.36 33.7 mpg (US)
40.5 mpg (Imp)
7.0 L/100 km
14.3 km/L
All city/short commute. Only 1 HWY commute for 25 miles each way since then.

City/short commute simply hurts fuel economy. everyone knows this.

All of my short commute consisted of 5 miles or less every single time.

Plus PSI read 33 and A/C were used here and there with hill so yeah.
2023-10-16 385.1 mi
619.76 km
9.535 gal (US)
36.09 L
7.94 gal (Imp)
4.999 40.4 mpg (US)
48.5 mpg (Imp)
5.8 L/100 km
17.2 km/L
85% city for 5 mile commute, 15% hwy. A/C on with passengers.
2023-09-19 300 mi
482.8 km
7.391 gal (US)
27.98 L
6.15 gal (Imp)
5.299 40.6 mpg (US)
48.8 mpg (Imp)
5.8 L/100 km
17.3 km/L
90% city; less than 40 mph commute; stop and go plus idle.
10% hwy at 55 mph. Some hills/elevations.

Used A/C sparingly.

Solo driver 98% of the time w/ junks occupied in the trunk.

I’m very impressed with the MPG! Mind you, the EPA rating for city commute is 35; not 40. The Corolla for example, would have been LESS as sub 35 MPG from the same exact commute of mine and would cost me additional 2.5-3 gallons for suboptimal fuel economy. Geez.
2023-09-03 400.4 mi
644.38 km
7.898 gal (US)
29.9 L
6.58 gal (Imp)
4.959 50.7 mpg (US)
60.9 mpg (Imp)
4.6 L/100 km
21.6 km/L
Trip A 0-320 miles: 98% hwy commute thus 52-53 MPG

Trip A 320-400 miles: 60% hwy 40% city commute thus mid 40 MPG.

Final result: 50.6 MPG from that full up. I’m impressed!
2023-08-19 298.5 mi
480.39 km
6.973 gal (US)
26.4 L
5.81 gal (Imp)
4.899 42.8 mpg (US)
51.4 mpg (Imp)
5.5 L/100 km
18.2 km/L
70/30 mixed city/hwy driving.

Used A/C here and there. Not 100% of the time. 35 PSI. Cruise Control, Ds Mode, hilly commute. Can’t complain the MPG
2023-08-05 343 mi
552 km
7.824 gal (US)
29.62 L
6.52 gal (Imp)
4.749 43.8 mpg (US)
52.6 mpg (Imp)
5.4 L/100 km
18.6 km/L
The furthest mileage ever driven without stopping to refuel, speaking for myself, that is.

Dash screen showed 46 avg mpg. Too optimistic.

70% hwy 40-65 mph. 55 mph is the SWEET spot
30% city sub 40 mph

I coasted MORE and braked LESS.

Used CC 95% of the time.

Used little A/C.

Used Ds mode only to merge into the fwy without struggle. Regular D mode isn’t ideal in this case. Timing and safety are more important to account for than saving fuels!

35 PSI, solo driver, and no dead weight in trunk.

G4 SE now has 2500 miles since late May. Very pleased with the CVT especially as a weekday car! I’m sure the MT Mirage would fare better.

Someday I will want to get me a used Mirage hatchback manual as a weekend car lol.
2023-07-18 318 mi
511.77 km
8.497 gal (US)
32.16 L
7.07 gal (Imp)
4.399 37.4 mpg (US)
45.0 mpg (Imp)
6.3 L/100 km
15.9 km/L
Went on a 95% hwy trip that took me 290 miles on full tank then added 0.997 gal of fuel to complete the trip.

290 + 28 extra miles = 318 total miles

Refueled took 7.500 gallon + 0.997 gal extra = 8.497 combined gallons

318 miles / 8.497 gallons of fuel = 37 MPG….due to the following circumstances:

1) driving 72 MPH approximately
2) recirculated A/C being on at mid level speed (it was HOT!)
3) 3 extra bodies and full trunk
4) 50% Ds mode usage…there were hills to overcome
5) lot of low speed traffic hence Ds mode was used and it performed surprisingly well!

Conclusively, I'm satisfied with 37 MPG in exchange for SPEED on the left lane 100% of the time. 45 MPG would be nice but requires too many compromises including safety, No thank you. I wouldn’t drive 55 mph when everyone else is driving 70+ MPH. I’ll probably try 65 mph on the middle or right lane next time to see how much MPG would I benefit this. I imagine 42 even with the A/C being used at the lowest setting?

I must add that driving the same car with the manual transmission would realistically get me few more MPG as 41 from this trip, however traffic occurred 60% of the of my time. I would be lying if I said I’m having a good time during traffic.
2023-07-16 126 mi
202.78 km
1.991 gal (US)
7.54 L
1.66 gal (Imp)
4.399 63.3 mpg (US)
75.9 mpg (Imp)
3.7 L/100 km
26.9 km/L
Partial fill up. 126 miles divided by 1.991 gallons of re-fuel: 63.28 MPG

80% back road commute. 20% city commute.

35 PSI.

A/C sparingly used. Solo driver. No additional weight in trunk.

Kept RPM under 2.5k. Hovered between 1.5-2.0k. Some small hill.
2023-07-09 302.4 mi
486.67 km
7.538 gal (US)
28.53 L
6.28 gal (Imp)
4.49 40.1 mpg (US)
48.2 mpg (Imp)
5.9 L/100 km
17.1 km/L
Lowest MPG ever to date.

Mixed 50/50 city hwy driving. A/C was used 70% of commute on minimal setting. Stop and go and idle commute occurred well. Hit 65 mph max on hwy commute w/ cruise control. Did used Ds mode sparingly.

Increased PSI to 39 on all four tyres. Consequently, brake was used excessively thanks to bad combination of HIGH PSI and LRR tyres. Will bring down PSI to 35 indefinitely.
2023-06-30 342.7 mi
551.52 km
7.672 gal (US)
29.04 L
6.39 gal (Imp)
4.49 44.7 mpg (US)
53.6 mpg (Imp)
5.3 L/100 km
19.0 km/L
details coming soon.

Edit: I forget to add details, sry.
2023-06-20 318.4 mi
512.42 km
7.698 gal (US)
29.14 L
6.41 gal (Imp)
41.4 mpg (US)
49.7 mpg (Imp)
5.7 L/100 km
17.6 km/L
55% hwy, 45% city
35 PSI
Used A/C sparingly
More idle time than previous fill up
Bumper 2 bumper traffic

Still pleased with the MPG result. The previous G4 5 speeds would net me 1-2 MPG better but I’ll take peace over frustration.
2023-06-14 300 mi
482.8 km
7.149 gal (US)
27.06 L
5.95 gal (Imp)
42.0 mpg (US)
50.4 mpg (Imp)
5.6 L/100 km
17.8 km/L
50-50 Mixed city/hwy driving.

Was figuring out the ideal throttle application for optimal fuel economy in straight line,
Uphill/downhill commute. Will need to get me Scangauge eco.

Resetting cruise control was not ideal for non-straight line commute (especially in D mode) unlike the manual gearbox and this is probably the only area that I somewhat missed having the manual’s but that’s not a priority to me apparently.
2023-06-09 88 mi
141.62 km
2.27 gal (US)
8.59 L
1.89 gal (Imp)
38.8 mpg (US)
46.6 mpg (Imp)
6.1 L/100 km
16.5 km/L
Incomplete fill-up. Not a valid representation of true MPG
2023-06-05 326.3 mi
525.13 km
7.591 gal (US)
28.74 L
6.32 gal (Imp)
4.339 43.0 mpg (US)
51.6 mpg (Imp)
5.5 L/100 km
18.3 km/L
1st fill up. Mixed driving. 35 PSI. Hauling passengers.

Was an adjustment to drive after owning the 5 speed manual gearbox.